Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remember these?  The pink, purple and cat blocks that I put together for a quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest. Well she has finished combining them with the other blocks that were sent in. You can see the quilt top HERE.  I think it looks great so far and can't wait to see it quilted!  It feels good to know that scrap fabric I had laying around was used for a good cause and will brighten someone's day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Quilting Cats In Action

One of my good friends, JS, and I found a great deal on a papasan chair at a yard sale. $8.00 for the frame and two cushions. SOLD! We cleaned up both cushions real nice and I made covers for them.

One was snuggly fleece that we used to cover the worst of the two cushions. It became a dog bed for her huge doggie and he loves it.  The other one was fun brown and cream zebra print minkee with a brown pasiley minkee backing. We have a mutual friend who was going nuts trying to find a good deal on a papasan chair and we thought we would surprise her. I made the cushion while JS and her family spruced up the frame.  It turned out great! Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the dog bed or the finished papasan chair, but I will soon!

The real reason for this post is to share my quilting cats in action and show you how...adventourus...quilting can be for me.

I was putting binding on the raw edges of the minkee cushion and it wasn't going well. For some reason it seemed like my sewing machine was trying to go faster then the binding was moving. It felt like it kept getting stuck. After taking out a few stitches, cleaning, oiling and re-threading both the machine and bobbin I found the culprit! It was.... (que dramatic suspense music!) None other than Quilting Cat #1 who was trying his best to help....or hinder...not sure yet...

Don't you love his innocent "Who Me?" face? And as always Quilting Cat #2 was right there, now on her new high cat tower, giving me directions and pointing out what I was doing wrong.

In this shot she is watching Mr. "Helpful" chase around a bobbin I dropped.  She bosses everyone around.  I have also discovered that ever since I was given this cat tower I have to be careful when I sew. When I sit at my machine my back is to the cat tower and more then once I have felt something hit my ponytail (which she can reach if she sits on the level where that little blanket is) and swipe at it. but when I turn around she either is on another level or is "sleeping." She is a crafty one... Quilting with these cats is a real adventure sometimes!